
Anglican Order of Preachers (O.P.A)

Well, we are 3 days into lent and as I scan my Facebook page I see status updates from my friends asking what they should give up for lent. I am not a fan of the ‘give up’ sort of lent, instead I advocate a ‘take up’ sort of lent, it is far better to try to create a new habit than to temporarily give up a bad one.

For me this is going to be a Lenten season full of prayer and reflection. Not just the sort of flick the switch, auto pilot type of prayer and reflection, but a deliberate, present type of prayer and reflection. It is a habit that I hope to continue after Easter. This Lenten season also has extra significance for me, it is my first as a Dominican, or more correctly an aspiring Dominican. Throughout this Lenten season I will be exploring more fully, my call to the Anglican expression of Dominican Community. I will practice Dominics nine ways of prayer as well as work through 14 Days of Prayer with St. Dominic. It isn’t a journey I take alone, but through the wonder of the internet, blogging and emails I will be just one part of a class of Postulants and seasoned Dominicans exploring spirituality and what it means to be a servant of Christ in 2011.